Saturday, 23 July 2011

Coming back soon

Hi guys i have recently realized that i need to retool the entire concept of my blog, couple that with being sick and i really don't feel like blogging much lately. I'll have some reviews ready in the near future. In the meantime i'd just like to say that The Simpsons is my favorite show on TV and it's also the longest running animated series. in history.

Tip of the day: Eat more complex carbs instead of starchy foods like ramen, you'll have more energy during the day and can function better

Movie pic: flame & citron - the story of 2 covert resistance fighters during WW2. Great movie 85%


  1. Simpsons is classic but now i feel like an idiot. I just bought 15 packets of Ramen :D

  2. Simpsons have always been my favorite cartoon on TV. Fucking love it.

  3. i used to be a simpsons fan but got kind of tired. I follow mostly Family Guy now and although i'm quite old i like Spongebob too.

  4. But I love instant noodles :)

  5. This is great! Loved reading it, thanks for updating

  6. you really caught my interest with your post! nice one!

  7. Flame and Citron was excellent, i would def recommend it.

  8. Following and will be interested in seeing how the new blog shapes up! Good luck with is and +following for great future posts and reviews!

  9. good your back. simpsons are ok, better back in the day.

  10. get well soon :) will be waiting for your reviews! +followed
