Friday, 15 July 2011

Clover Leaf Flaked Light Tuna

What separates this product from other canned tuna? In this mini 85g can there's 4 grams of fat and 16 grams of protein give or take depending on the flavour you choose which is quite a decent ratio for all you un(health)conscious snackers out there. Granted most regular tunas do not contain any fat, it's a small price to pay for something that  tastes like a bag of Doritos and you can eat it straight outta the can, add in a soft peelable top and you got something great to add into your bag lunch. The price is a little bit sketchy (about a dollar each) but then again how much is a bag of chips ehhhhh. So grab yourself a stick of gum for afterward and enjoy this snack on the go.

As usual leave a comment and tell me what you think

Tip o the day: Never tell car rental places that you're going out of state, otherwise they will charge you interstate travel taxes, also tell them to let you use your own insurance if you have it, you'll save about 30$ this way

Movie o the day: The Lincoln Lawyer. I forgot that Matthew McConaughey was an actor until i saw this. Very American very decent flic 70%


  1. Doritos flavored tuna? Cant be bad.
    Great car rental tip btw :)

  2. I love tuna! My favorite sandwich at subway, too :D

    Off-topic: I read you review drugs? lol I'm looking forward to that

  3. only if it is cool ranch flavored will i eat this. nacho Doritos are nasty.

  4. personally don't like tuna, but I'm wondering how you make fish taste like doritos

  5. Tuna is perfect if you are building up some muscles, but the problem is that you get sick if eating it after a while :) Wonder if I can find it here :/

  6. I've never heard of this brand before. I checked out their website and they have a lot of good looking seafood products. Thanks for sharing, I'm going to keep an eye out for this

  7. I love tuna! Never heard of the Clover Leaf but try out Greanseas and Sirena. They're awesome as a snack for lifters.~

    Don't eat too much tuna though or you'll end up in the hospital with a case of mercury poisoning.

    I usually just eat a can of tuna once a day. Tuna in springwater is the best. ;D

  8. thanks for sharing :D following

  9. tuna is great for a late night snack when everything else fails you. nice post mate, keep up + follow

  10. nice blog man :D going to try some of this stuff +1 follower ;)

  11. Tuna fat is actually not bad, AFAIK. It has Omega 3, which lowers your total cholesterol.

    Also, I heard that you can't eat canned tuna too often because it has traces of mercury and it can make you sick. I wonder if that rumor is true.

  12. very nice blog :) followed :)

  13. bro you should do some reviews on legal drugs like spice and such. that would be interesting

  14. I'm enjoying your blog very much!

  15. yes but doritos are made out of corn and tuna is presumably made out of tuna. still if it tastes alright then go for it i say. i wish i was as disciplined as you.

  16. good stuff, when are you coming back?

  17. I prefer eat this WITH doritos. wah! taste like godly food

  18. you have a really creative and fun blog!
    + followed
